Monday, June 30, 2014

Z is for Zombies #a2zspanks

If you're keeping track, you'll know I've missed a few letters in the A to Z Blog Hop Challenge by Spanking Romance and Celeste Jones. But today is June 30th (where did the month go by the way) and as it's the last day of the hop, I do want to do one final post. 

Z is for Zombies. What author do you know who can take an idea like zombies and turn it into a spanking romance full of humor, of love reunited, of an ancient curse and do it well? That would be my friend Casey McKay. First, I should clarify that the zombies do not actually spank or get spanked. It's the heroine, whom I see as a very clear expression of the author, who is getting all the spanking fun. Oh, and there's a figging scene... 

If you haven't read it yet, I most definitely recommend Cursed Waters. The titles gives nothing away so here's a little peek at what's inside. I think this snippet of the figging scene wraps up nicely what this book is full of - characters with personality and humor, a touch of reality combined with the unreality of saving the world from zombies - all while rekindling an old romance! I hope I said that well. Here's the snippet. 

* * * *

“Trust me,” Trevor told her and brought his head down to kiss her hard on the mouth. “Now bend over, don't make me tell you again.”

Roxy gave one last look to the carved piece of ginger root and folded herself back over the end of the bed with a renewed anticipation. He instructed her to put her hand back between her legs and to continue pleasuring herself. Roxy would have been embarrassed but she was still too stunned at the turn of events.

As she worked her fingers along her folds, building her need into a frenzy, Trevor parted her cheeks again. The ginger was cold and hard, nudging to gain entry. He cooed soothing words at her, telling her to relax. He finally pushed it in, pushing past the tightness and she shifted her hips back into him as her orgasm rocked her. She cried out in ecstasy, riding the waves as Trevor manipulated the ginger in her ass.

As she came down from her high Roxy panted into the bed.

“Now that we got that in, it's time to address your disrespect,” Trevor said as he pulled her to stand up.

Roxy glanced around him at the clock. “We should start getting ready, we don't have a lot of time,” she replied, she couldn't be late in saving the world from zombies after all.

Trevor gave her a hard look, “We have plenty of time, and we aren't finished,” he answered, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He gestured towards the floor where his jeans were crumpled up. “Get my belt and bring it here.”

Roxy could only look back at him, she was paralyzed to the spot. Trevor gave her a nudge, “Now, Roxy.”

She crossed the room on shaky legs, her orgasm had took a lot out of her. She was all too aware of the ginger root lodged inside of her, she felt it shift as she walked. Roxy could feel Trevor's eyes on her as she bent to retrieve his belt. Her face was hot with embarrassment by the time she crossed back towards the bed to hand him his belt.

Trevor tossed it down on the bed and held her face in both hands. “These cheeks are almost as red as the other ones,” he remarked, and she felt her face get hot again. He gave her a quick kiss and piled two pillows on top of each other. Then he guided her across them. She felt completely vulnerable, her ass sticking up higher than the rest of her, served up to him for whatever he may wish to do. The thought scared her and turned her on all at once.

Trevor pressed down on the ginger, causing a slight heat to emit throughout her. “How does it feel?” he questioned, “Does it feel like it's getting hot yet?”

“A little,” she answered honestly, hoping it didn't turn into an unbearable burning. Roxy could barely feel the heat right now.

“I think it takes a while to heat up,” he replied. “Maybe I should make you keep it in when we go out.”

She jerked her head up to look at him and he laughed at her reaction. “I was kidding,” he reassured, then moved to pick up the belt, “but I wasn't kidding about this.”

Monday, June 23, 2014

Reckonings #Spank2z Blog Hop

I had a bit of a hiccup last week so I've missed a few days but am back with the letter R today for Spanking Romance Reviews and Celeste Jones' A - Z Blog Hop challenge. I've just skipped Q altogether - forgive me but I'm not so creative...although I do hope today's post makes up for it.

So R for me is for Reckonings. One book I love which is not a spanking book but had (to my utter surprise and glee) a pretty rough spanking scene in it, is Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. I wasn't expecting spanking and this is before I'd discovered that there were whole romances devoted to spankings so you can imagine how dog eared this particular chapter is. If you've not read this series of books (I think there are six or seven or maybe even eight by now), they're wonderful. I highly recommend them. Jamie Frasier is probably one of the most seductive alpha male's I've ever read.

As I was looking around the internet (hoping to find the snippet that I could cut and paste in here without having to retype it from my book), I came across several discussions about this particular chapter. There were people who were so offended by this 'beating' that they almost stopped reading the book. I understand it, but in a way, it brought even more to light how our books may be perceived by people who are not inclined toward BDSM or spanking or maybe in particular, non-consensual punishment spanking.

The scene I want to share with you is a punishment scene where Claire disobeyed Jamie's orders to stay hidden, got caught by the enemy and required rescuing that put a whole bunch of men's lives in danger. One thing to note is the time is 1743 in Scotland where this sort of punishment was not unheard of.


Jamie unfastened his collar and cuffs and unbuckled his sword belt, made no move to undress further. He pulled the strap from the scabbard and doubled it, flexing the leather meditatively.

"Come to bed, Jamie. What are you waiting for?" Claire asked.

He came to stand by the bed, swinging the belt gently back and forth.

"Well, lass, I'm afraid we've a matter still to settle between us before we sleep tonight." I felt a sudden stab of apprehension.

"What is it?"

He didn't answer at once. Deliberately not sitting down on the bed by me, he pulled up a stool and sat facing me instead.

"Do you realize, Claire," he said quietly, "that all of us came close to bein' killed this afternoon?"

I looked down at the quilt, shame faced. "Yes, I know. My fault, I'm sorry."

"Aye, so ye realize," he said. "Do you know that if a man among us had done such a thing, to put the rest in danger, he would ha' likely had his ears cropped, or been flogged, or killed outright?" I blanched at this.

"No, I didn't know."

"Well, I know as you're not yet familial with our ways, and it's some excuse. Still, I did tell you to stay hid, and had ye done so, it would never have happened..."

(conversation carries on for a bit, then, when he thinks Claire is on board with taking the punishment...)

"Well, then," he said. "Best get on with it. You've done considerable damage by crossing my orders, and I'm going to punish you for it, Claire. Ye'll recall what I told ye when I left ye this morning?" I recalled all right, and I hastily flung myself across the bed so my back was pressed to the wall."

"What do you mean?"

"Ye know quite well what I mean," he said firmly. "Kneel down by the bed and lift your skirts, lass."

* * * * * * * *

I'll leave you there and apologies for the interruption in the middle but I'm typing from a book! If you'e not read the Outlander series, it's definitely worth doing so. I hope you enjoyed today's snippet and don't forget to hop along to the other participating sites!

Here's a handy link to the book if you're interested:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Loving Lena by Casey McKay #Spanking Historical Romance

I invited Casey McKay onto my blog - well, really, I harassed her until she wrote me a blog post with an excerpt from her latest release, Loving Lena, a historical Spanking romance. Why do I always capitalize Spanking? Anyhow, Casey is one of those writers where you know when you pick up a book, you're going to get a good story that is well written with bits of humor throughout where you find yourself laughing out loud out of nowhere, and with hot spankings and hot sex (always including at least one anal scene which is appreciated). I won't carry on, here's Casey...

Natasha was nice enough to host me on her blog today. She is always one of my biggest supporters and she has become one of my best friends.

When I started writing my Ravenswood Manor series I was nervous that I wasn't any good at writing in the historical genre. I would send scenes to Natasha- does this make sense?

She always gives honest feedback. Sometimes I think she is being way too nice, but I trust her enough to tell me if something seems really off.

The one question she always asks me is- how much research did you do for this?

I can honestly say I don't know. Before I started writing Emmaline's Groom  I did basic research of the time period, the way people dressed, and modes of transportation. 

From there I would have to look up little things. Did people smoke cigars then? What is the rule with these titles? Did divorce exist?

If I'm not careful, looking up answers to these questions can lead me on hours long Wikipedia binges. You know, when you click through from one link to the next and can't figure out how you got from Victorian Era Cigars all the up to 1920's American Oil Tycoons? At least that's what happens to me.

It was very beneficial when I was writing Loving Lena . I had the basis of my main characters, Welsey and Lena, from the first book, and now I just had to come up with an interesting story. I think I was searching the internet to see if anyone was riding bikes in 1890's Philadelphia and realized that this was the start of what is dubbed as the American Bicycle Craze.

That seemed pretty coincidental that I was already writing a story in this time period and something major was going on in American society, and how could I ignore that? I have pages and pages of notes about the Bicycle Craze that didn't even make it into the book. How women were now able to get from point A to point B on their own without any assistance. Some historians view it as spurring the feminist movement along as it helped to put an end to unmarried women having chaperones. Women were becoming more independent, and it was purely an accidental result from the popularity of bicycles.

I am already planning to revisit this research in a later installment of the Ravenswood Manor series. Don't worry, I'm still planning on writing in all the sex and spankings I can fit into this story, right along with new social movements and the rise of feminism.

I also found a thread that bicycle riding was one of the things that led to the changing of women's undergarments. This little fact I did write into Loving Lena- hence the sewing machine on my cover. It also led to a delicious scene where Lena gives Wesley a little strip tease.

For today, I would like to share a scene where Lena has taken her bicycle into town, ignoring Wesley's rule that he must always know when she is planning to go out for a ride and that she must never ride at night.


He thought he saw a woman who looked like Lena come out of a shop across road. Surely it was not her though, she did not tell him she had any errands to run today, and it was almost dark. He explicitly told her not to be out on her bicycle in the dark. When the woman tucked her package under her arm and then tried to mount her bicycle, almost tumbling off and into the street, Wesley jogged up to meet her.

"Lena!" he yelled.

She turned and looked at him, eyes wide. She quickly schooled her features and gave him a glowing smile, "Hello, my darling. Your meetings ran late today, did they not?" She offered her cheek for a kiss.

"They did." He gave her a quick peck, then took her package from under her arm. "What are you doing down here so late?"

"I needed to pick something up, just a quick trip. It was nothing to bother you about."

Another roar of thunder clapped and he motioned for her to start pedaling. "Come, before we are stuck in the middle of the storm. I will try to keep up with you."

"I will pedal as slow as I can without falling off," she said and smiled over at him.

"Darling, remind me what I told you about riding your bicycle."

She took a second and seemed to be thinking, "Use the brakes to stop and not to drag my feet on the ground?"

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I know, I know, you like to know where I am going. But you were not at home, and it was a quick stop," she explained.

"That is hardly the point, what if you had fallen off your bicycle and hurt yourself? I was not even aware you were gone, I would have never known where to look for you."

"You worry too much Wesley, nothing is going to happen to me."

"We already talked about this last week. I warned you that you needed to heed my rules." A flash of lightning lit up the sky and the wind kicked up, adding more to his annoyance.

"Wesley, honestly, you would not even know I had gone if I had gotten home before you."

He fixed her with a stare as he walked briskly beside her, "How do you know? How often have you been making trips into town without my knowledge?"

Her eyes widened as she realized she had just let some information slip. "What would you consider often?"


Lena Trimble should be experiencing the happiest time in her life. She is in love with the most wonderful man she has ever met, they have a beautiful baby together, and they are starting a new life in a new country. But Lena feels like she is living a lie. Their child was conceived out of wedlock and she is still embroiled in a divorce from a horrible man who never loved her but was only after her money.
Wesley Lawford feels like the luckiest man alive. He finally has Lena all to himself and he is trying to build a new life with her and their child. But as Lena's divorce drags on, her fears of what others think  have her retreating from the world, and worse, closing herself off to him. Afraid of losing Lena as she continues secluding herself, Wesley knows he must be firm with his future wife and Lena soon finds herself over Wesley's knee for a hard bare-bottom spanking. Will a firm hand and loving domestic discipline bring back the woman he loves? Will simply loving Lena be enough to keep them together?
Loving Lena is the second in the Ravenswood Manor series. The book is a Victorian romance set  during the beginning of America's Bicycle Craze, in 1890's Philadelphia. Although each book can be read alone, characters from the first book in the series, Emmaline's Groom, are referenced in Loving Lena.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Author: A Sexy Snippet by Shelly Douglas

Over the last few months, I've been reading snippets from Shelly Douglas' book, The Author, when visiting the Saturday Spanking blogs. I found them completely hot and contacted Shelly to ask about her book. That's when I found out that Shelly Douglas is actually not one person but two, Shelly and Doug, who write together. I was intrigued, of course, and I invited them to do a blog post when their book released. It's been out for just about a week now I believe and I'm thoroughly enjoying the read and it's sitting comfortably in Blushing Books' top 10!! Without taking up any more time, here is Shelly with a little introduction and a sexy little snippet to follow...

Sometimes Doug and I write individually from the seat of our pants, and other times we assign ideas to each other.  Either way, we always put our “two cents” in later.  It’s uncommon for both of us to be interested in writing the same chapter, but it happened when we agreed on the idea of a masturbation scene where Dana was being “watched”.  Doug thought it would be fun if we wrote independently and then used the best one.  We ended up using both scenes in the book, but can you guess which mind this one came from?


Dana opened one eye to check the clock.  It was three in the morning, and Richard was making soft sleeping sounds next to her.  He was so handsome and looked so peaceful.  But as much as she loved to watch him sleep, she needed to do the same.  Usually she gave herself a good warm-up when she pleasured herself, but on this particular morning, time was of the essence.  She circled her nipple with one hand, and reached under her panties with the other.  Thoughts of a strong man taking her over his knees usually brought her to orgasm.  With Richard around, she had plenty of memories to recall.  She stroked herself over her silk panties, and wetness appeared instantly.  Just as a soft moan escaped her lips, she heard Richard clear his throat.

“Just what do you think you’re doing, young lady?” 

“Nothing.  I thought you were asleep.”  She quickly withdrew her hand and turned over in the bed.

“Not so fast.  Were you doing what I think you were doing?”  Richard turned on a small end table light.

“Well, you were sleeping so peacefully, and I wasn’t.”

“Hey, that’s cheating.  Don’t we have a rule about that?”  Richard’s eyebrow shot up.

“Uh, well, it’s easy to cheat when no one’s watching.”

“I’m a light sleeper, baby.  You might want to remember that.” 

“Are you angry with me?”

“Nope, I just don’t want to feel left out.  Please continue.”  Dana obeyed, rolling onto her back and gently twisted her nipple between her thumb and forefinger. 

“That’s a good girl.  Now relax and close your eyes.”  Richard sat beside her and removed her pajama bottoms.

Dana got comfortable and placed her blushed cheek on the pillow. 

“Richard I’m so wet,” Dana moaned as she rubbed her slit up and down harder and harder.

“Come for me, sweetie.”

“I can’t.  It’s hard for me to do this while you watch.”

Richard leaned in towards her ear.  “I think you need a good spankin’.  Maybe I should take you over my knee.”

“Oh God, oh my God, Richard.”  She stopped talking and pressed as her hard button pulsated.

He knew exactly what suggestion would bring her to orgasm, and gently lowered his lips onto hers.

“Do we need to have another discussion about pleasuring yourself, young lady?”

She shrugged.

“Not good enough, angel.  Look at me, please.”

Dana turned her head and slowly met his eyes.

“You love to test me, don’t you?”  Richard rolled her over with ease and gave a playful smack to her tender behind.  “Now I’m going to need some help to sleep.”  He took her hand in his and gently helped her off the bed. 

“I could give you a sleeping pill,” she said under her breath.

“You have a wonderful sense of humor, kitten.”  Slowly, he lowered her panties and stroked the fullness of her pillow-soft bottom as she bent over the bed.

“I think my naughty girl should wake me up, the next time she can’t sleep.”

“Richard, please.”  Her voice was soft and sweet.

“You’re supposed to save yourself for me, aren’t you, sugar?”  He spanked her with his strong hand, until the center of both cheeks glowed.

“Yes, sir,” she whimpered as his fingers kneaded her warm skin.

“What am I going to do with you?”

She shrugged.

“A spanking won’t put you to sleep, will it?”

She rubbed her reddened bottom up against his rock-hard cock.

“You’re not getting off so easy, this time.”

She turned to look at him, her eyes pleading.

“I believe you were the one that woke me up, darlin’.  Is there something you need?”

She nodded.

“A full sentence would be nice,” he whispered in her ear.

She couldn’t believe he was going to make her say it out loud.  “Please, hurry.  I need to feel you inside me, now.”

“We have plenty of time; the birds aren’t even up yet,” he teased in a raspy voice. 

What she needed was to feel him possess every inch of her – to know that he was in control.  

Gradually his broad cock edged into her slippery lips, and every second was savored as he slowly stretched her tight passage.  Once he filled her completely, he exited leisurely - only to drive back in anew with deep, powerful thrusts.  She moaned in gratitude as he reached around to circle her sweet button with his wet fingers, making her happy pussy shiver with excitement.

Without warning, his palm sharply met the blush on her tender bottom right before he drew back and plunged as far into her depths as he could reach.  A low, deep cry came from his throat as he spilled his hot seed while Dana’s muscles convulsed and clamped around him.

“I should get caught more often,” she purred, as he softly kissed the back of her neck.


Dana Cooper is an attractive woman in her early thirties who pays the bills by writing local newspaper articles during the day.  However, as the sun set, she hovered over a laptop writing steamy erotic spanking novels, that included domestic discipline and age-play.  As a “closet spanko”, she decided it was safer to keep her fetishes hidden away in her imagination, bringing them to life only in the fiction that she wrote; until her best friend, Carla, asked her to meet an old friend who was a fan of her novels. 
Richard McBride had been fantasizing about Dana for years.  Of course, he had no idea that she didn’t practice the lifestyles she wrote about.  Dana dreamed about the love of a strong man like Richard, but quickly found out that actually being bare-bottomed over a man’s knee was very different than describing it in a novel.
Richard not only wanted a DD relationship with Dana, but also hoped there was a little girl inside her, wanting to come out.  The idea of AP always appealed to Dana, but she never thought it was safe to reveal that part of herself to anyone.  Could Richard be her lover and her daddy – or was that only in a “happy-ever-after” ending she wrote for Kindle readers?