Friday, November 8, 2013

Preparing Gemma For Her First Bare Bottom Spanking #SatSpanks

Her Rogue Knight went live on Amazon yesterday. It's my first Medieval Spanking Romance and I'd like to share a piece from the start of the book. In this scene, Sir William has Gemma draped over his thighs and begins to prepare her for her first bare-bottom spanking...

* * * *

She made a small sound, a whimper, while he circled that tender, ticklish spot. But the tickle was something other, something almost erotic and she knew he knew it as he hovered there, just lightly touching her skin. Her body stilled momentarily, her wide eyes staring straight ahead, the muscles of her back, arms, and legs tensed.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her voice small, wavering as cool morning air brushed the backs of her now bare thighs.

“Preparing you,” he said, and as if he knew she would fight against him, he easily shifted her weight and draped his right leg over the backs of her naked thighs, trapping her perfectly to him.

“Preparing me for what?” she asked, knowing and dreading the answer.

“Your punishment,” he said easily.

* * * * 


Unknown said...

This sounds HOT Natasha. Definitely have to get this one :)

Anastasia Vitsky said...

Yay about your new release! That's really wonderful. Those moments before a spanking are a thrill, aren't they? So electrifying.

Unknown said...

Ooh, I've just gone all tingly. I love how he settles her first.
And then that word, you know, the punishment word, mmm...
Really erotic scene. My weekend had just been planned... I'm reading this.

Emily Tilton said...

Oh, it's easy for him! :) Great snippet, Natasha!

Joelle Casteel said...

so very hot! love it!

PK Corey said...

Oh boy, that'll get your toes curling!

Aimless Rambling said...

Okay, I am officially turned on. Between that snippet and the cover, I'm ready. Will be adding this to my wish list now.

Cara Bristol said...

I wonder if his spanking will be a leisurely as his prep? Congratulations on the release.

Celeste Jones said...

Oh, the slow preparation. Love it. Congrats on the new book. :)

Unknown said...

Drool... I just started this yesterday. And now I am going back to it! Good luck with the release!

Renee Rose said...

Yes, I'm excited for this!

Unknown said...

Delicious snippet. I like that she has no idea she's going to be punished until she's already over his lap. This is also taking place in the morning, which means she'll be able to savor the effects throughout the day.
Congratulations on the new release, Natasha.

Angela Sargenti said...

You have a pretty way with words, Natasha! Congrats on the release!

Patricia Green said...

This is a great teaser. Well done! There's never enough time to read all these great books! I'll have to live to be 100. :) Good luck with your new release!

Sue Lyndon said...

Exciting snippet. I love medieval spanking books and plan to read this one soon! Looking forward to it:)

Unknown said...

Oh, the preparing! Love it.