Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bound, Spanked and Loved Makes USA Today Bestseller List #loved2016

Wow Wow Wow! I woke up this morning to messages of "Are you up yet? Do you see what's happened?" Well, this happened! Bound, Spanked and Loved, our box set of fourteen kinky Valentine's Day stories hit the USA Today Bestseller List!

I want to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who picked up a copy and all our friends who supported us with this. And I also want to congratulate Sue Lyndon who sorted out all this craziness and invited me to join. Thank you, thank you, Sue! Another huge thanks and congrats to Renee Rose who is a Promo Guru - I am in awe of you! And all my fellow kinky authors who participated in the set: Sierra Cartwright, Annabel Joseph, Cari Silverwood, Emily Tilton, Cara Bristol, Alta Hensley, Kallista Dane, Trent Evans, Korey Mae Johnson, Katherine Deane and Ashe Barker.

Woohoo!!! Is champagne allowed at 9:42am??? 

You can still pick up the set if you haven't already. It will be available until March 9th.

Amazon Barnes & Noble |  Kobo | iTunes


Cara Bristol said...

Put some OJ in your champagne and call it brunch. Woo hoo!