Monday, October 7, 2013


I'm in the US this week visiting family and friends so I've been out of touch on blogs and e-mails. My apologies if I've missed anything.

These few days, I'm in my home town in Colorado soaking up the blue blue blue sky. I'd forgotten how beautiful it was here. Trying to cram seeing a lot of friends into limited time and just remembering my life here.

I've realized how blessed I am in the abundance of beautiful friendships I have here in the US and in Europe- not to mention the really important friendships that are developing on line within this community. I feel like over the last two years, I've come into myself - not sure that's the way to say it. Let me think. What I want to say is maybe I've figured out a bit more who I am and am realizing I’m pretty happy with that person most of the time. This week I've even had very frank conversations about this kink with friends whom I wouldn’t call kinky, but we decided there's no such thing as pure vanilla….  It's freeing - really, it's just a complete almost explosion of freedom and connection.

So, not to ramble on too long, this is for my friends all over the world, those I know in person and those I know otherwise. I hope you have some idea how special each of you is to me. Love you all.


Unknown said...

You are pretty darn special to all of us as well! The last few years I've had that same feeling of coming into myself. As hard as this last year has been it's been the most trans-formative & settling. I'm thankful to share a bit in your journey just as you share a bit in mine.

Unknown said...

:D thank you Corinne. It's not been an easy time but I wouldn't change a thing and I'm so glad to know you through this.

Unknown said...

I'm happy you are having a good time.
Enjoy your time with family and friends, it's always good to come back "home".


Penelope said...

So wonderful that you are finding such connection with others, and with yourself - I am so very happy for you. And if you are blessed then so are the people who know you!

Have fun x

Unknown said...

Hi V, thank you. Just got back to my parents house now. Met a good friend's new boyfriend and I'm thrilled to say he sounds great - and is handy with a rope… ;) Or my dirty mind is at work again… Tomorrow I meet another author and by the weekend, back to the kids. All they ask is 'did you buy us gifts' and 'how many?'...

Unknown said...

Thanks Penelope. You are, as always, sweet.
