Monday, June 10, 2013

BDSM is a hot topic these days, but for couples or sexual partners who are just opening their minds to the concept, that doesn't make it any less strange, or even intimidating. The sad fact is, most of us are conditioned to look at BDSM, or even light erotic discipline (such as spanking or playful bondage) as something kinky or even improper. Fortunately, this is starting to change. Sex is increasingly present in popular forums in recent years (in sex blogs, films, television shows, etc.), and with this shift it is becoming apparent that what once seemed weird or kinky may be more common than you imagined. Just check out this article on

The real hurdle, though, is jumping from accepting BDSM as a common practice, to practicing it yourself with your partner. So, how can you open your mind and body to the exciting sexual thrills you're missing out on? Here are a few ideas that might help you out. 

Read About It
Perhaps the best way to familiarize yourself and make yourself mentally comfortable with it is to read about it! There's no denying the excitement you can feel reading an erotic novel or a personal account on a sex blog, and the experience can be beneficial in multiple ways. To begin with, it opens your mind to new ideas. Additionally, however, it gets you excited about trying those new ideas for yourself.

Watch It
If erotic literature, even at its most descriptive, doesn't quite get you on board with spanking, bondage, etc., there's certainly no shame in watching some kinky videos. Even if you're just looking to satisfy a curiosity, you might be surprised at how much these videos turn you on and make you crave a similar experience.

Start Out Light
Don't make the mistake of assuming "BDSM" refers to a strict relationship, or a physically painful sexual encounter. While many reach these situations eventually as they branch out from lighter BDSM, you'll most enjoy starting out slow. Invite some discipline into the bedroom without sacrificing your physical enjoyment or the sensual quality of sex.

Use Toys And Props
Trying new things in the bedroom without any assistance can often be a bit awkward and forced, and ultimately unsatisfying. On the other hand, toys like Adam & Eve cock rings, handcuffs, whips, etc. can all make your foray into BDSM far more exciting and pleasurable.

Try Only With A Trusted Partner
Finally, don't try this kind of sexual encounter with a stranger. You may eventually get to the point at which you simply have a different sexual style that you use in any encounter that suits you. But if you're hesitant about trying out BDSM, you'll probably want to wait to try it with a trusted partner. This will help you to ease into things more naturally.

*This is a guest post editorial