Friday, April 8, 2016

Teaching her her Place. Given to the Savage ON SALE! #Satspanks

Hello everyone. It's been a LONG time since I've been here, but Saturday Spankings is I think the one blog hop I do return to. Mostly I am a lazy blogger... 

Today I wanted to let you all know that Given to the Savage is on sale for the first time for $2.99! It's the first darkish romance I wrote and one of my favorite stories. Rowan is in the top 3 of favorite heroines (of my own books). She's so strong and courageous, I love her. And Silas...well, Silas...mmmmmmmmm...... 

Here's a little sample of the book and buy links! It's kind of a dirty scene with Silas punishing her, teaching her her place. I cut a part of the scene to not give away a spoiler. Enjoy! 

“You come every time I fuck you, you’re wet every time I punish you,” Silas said, just touching her clit as he did. When she sucked in a breath, he squeezed it hard, calling a cry from her lips. “Come, breeder,”Come!” he roared, slapping her hip hard with the command as if making her come somehow alleviated his guilt, somehow made her less human. “Come!”
As if on cue, she did, her muscles clamping hard around both finger and cock, milking the latter as it pulsed and throbbed, forcing his seed into her womb, teaching her her place, showing her that no matter what happened between them, she was only a breeder to him.
When he was finished with her, he slid his cock out, any emotion in his eyes masked. He zipped his pants and turned to walk into the house. Rowan stumbled off the table, her legs barely able to hold her as semen rushed down her thighs.

“They will be children too,” she said to his back. “Your children.”


Kathryn R. Blake said...

I loved this book. Rowan has her hands full with Silas, that's for sure. Then again, she doesn't give him an easy time of it either.

Roz said...

Wow, super hot snippet Natasha!


Cara Bristol said...

You do dark erotica, domination and submission so well. You've found your niche for sure.

Christina Mandara said...

Delicious! My kind of tale... might have to go one click this little beauty :) I have a thing about dark domination - I know, you'd never have guessed ;)

Aimless Rambling said...

I absolutely loved this book. I had a good feeling about Silas from the beginning and knew Rowan was in good hands.

Unknown said...

Holy hotness. One clicking now.
Also LOVE the name Rowan. :D
and Silas.

Jane Henry said...

Oh my goodness! Fantastic setting, immediately engaging. Great excerpt!!

Jaye said...

Love this book and the excerpt shows exactly why. hot stuff!

Unknown said...

I remember this scene. So much emotion.
I loved this story.
And am happy to see the full picture that zon deemed dungeon worthy.

Gracie Malling said...

This book is still one of my favourites - so hot! :-)